Incense and the scent of roses

Incense and the scent of roses

$299,00 MXN
$14,99 USD

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Julia is a Catholic theologian and is familiar with life in the Middle East. After a divorce and economic collapse, she earns her living as a tour guide. In the early 1990s, she sets off with a group to the great sandy desert in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. Wind and sand shape the journey and what animates the evening conversations: there is talk of a festival. Many things were planned that could not be realized because a grandson suddenly went into a monastery, because a daughter fell ill, because a wall was built overnight in Berlin ... Julia talks frankly about her mistakes, about the doubt about the church that determines her life, about the lust that drives her and her love, because someone she knows from her student days unexpectedly travels with her.

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ago. 2024

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