The Truth Seeker, The Seer & The Heart

The Truth Seeker, The Seer & The Heart

$329,00 MXN
$17,99 USD

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At the age of 8, Kyle is briefly transported back to Ancient Egypt after holding an enchanting amulet where he encounters a beautiful woman named Amira. From this experience, his love for archaeology develops and he meets Emma who, since the age of 5, has had strange visions of a young Egyptian girl who she speaks to in Arabic, which baffles her parents.
The lives of Emma, Kyle and Amira, and the worlds of Ancient Egypt and the modern world are mysteriously intertwined as they grow from being children into adulthood.
When Amira's spiteful and jealous brother puts her life in danger, can the power of the amulet and the time-travelling Truth Seeker and Her Heart help to save her life and future generations? And what part do the mysterious Knights of Ramla have to play as the puzzle unfolds?

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ago. 2024

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