Lifting the Lid on a baby boomer´s memory box

Lifting the Lid on a baby boomer´s memory box

$329,00 MXN
$17,99 USD

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Journey back to the post-war Black Country with Bob Perry as he recalls his childhood in a changing world. Born into a typical estate, Bob's story mirrors that of countless Baby Boomers. From his close-knit community to the bustling town streets, Bob navigates a world rebuilding itself after war. Amid historic events, Bob's narrative intertwines his journey with the broader tapestry of his time, showcasing the events that shaped his generation. As the world evolves, Bob and his peers confront challenges within and beyond their community, navigating uncertainty with resilience. Through Bob Perry's memoir, readers revisit pivotal moments in history, where echoes of the past resonate on every page. This reflection depicts a generation shaped by change and enduring community ties.

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ago. 2024

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