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Applied Engineering Mathematics

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The Prime object of this book is to provide a clear concept of the topics of applied mathematics to engineering students. The best possible effort has been made to present the topics in a simple and lucid fashion. It covers the syllabus of the technical universities of India and nothing undesirable has been included. The basics of each topic have been explained with a microscopic analysis. Majority of the examples and problems have been selected from the recent papers of engineering examinations. A large number of diagrams have been drawn to help the understanding of the subject. Answers to problems have been checked and verified.
Part I: Chapter 1
– Matrices, Chapter 2 – Complex Numbers, Chapter 3 - Theory of Equations, Part II: Chapter 4 - Successive Differentiation, Chapter 5 - Partial Differentiation, Chapter 6 - Reduction Formulae, Chapter 7 - Curve Tracing, Chapter 8 - Areas of Plane Curves (Quadrature), Chapter 9 - Lengths of Plane Curves (Rectification), Chapter 10 - Volumes and Surfaces of Solids of Revolution, Chapter 11 - Centroid (Centre of Gravity) and Moment of Inertia, Chapter 12 - Beta and Gamma Functions, Chapter 13 - Multiple Integrals, Chapter 14 - Vector Calculus, Part III: Chapter 15 - Fourier Series, Part IV: Chapter 16 - Differential Equations of First Order and their Applications, Chapter 17 - Higher Order Linear Differential Equations and their Applications, Chapter 18 - Partial Differential Equations, Chapter 19 - Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Chapter 20 - Solution in Series, Part V: Chapter 21 - Functions of a Complex Variable, Chapter 22 - Complex Integration, Chapter 23 - Fourier Transforms, Chapter 24 - Laplace Transforms, Chapter 25 - Z-Transforms and Applications.
About the Author
Dr. Madan Mohan Singh
has a brilliant academic record to his credit. He is currently Professor of Mathematics, Shir Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai. He has published a number of research papers in international and national journals. He is an author of over a dozen books on Mathematics for degree level students. He has been writing books for more than 25 years. His research interest covers a wide variety of topics and he has guided several research scholars for their awards leading to Ph.D degree.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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