
A Text Book of Remedial Mathematics

$3.442,05 MXN
$180,00 USD

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The book gives a detailed explanation on Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Differential calculus, Integral calculus, Differential equations and Laplace transforms in 8 units and 29 chapters.
Salient Features
· Subject matter has been presented in simple form.
· It explaines the theory through illustrations, diagrams and examples.
· Contains a good number of solved examples along with a large number of problems  for practice in the exercises provided under each topic, at the end of every chapter.
Contents:UNIT – I 1. Progressions 2. Partial Fractions 3. Matrices 4. Binomial Theorem 5. Permutations and Combinations 6. Functions 7. Logarithms UNIT – II 8. Trigonometric Ratios 9. Compound Angles 10. Multiple and Sub-Multiple Angles 11. Heights and Distances UNIT – III 12. Coordinate System 13. Locus 14. Straight Lines 15. Circles 16. Parabola UNIT – IV 17. Limits 18. Continuity 19. Differentiation 20. Successive Differentiation 21. Partial Differentiation 22. Maxima – Minima UNIT – V 23. Indefinite Integrals 24. Definite Integrals 25. Areas UNIT - V I 26. Differential Equations UNIT – VII 27. Laplace Transforms Unit – VIII 28. Applications of Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree 29. Linear Differential Equations of Second and Higher Order
About the Author:

P. Seshagiri Rao
had his M.Phil degree from Madurai Kamraj University and M.Sc in 
Mathematics, from the Bapatla Engineering College, affiliated to Nagarjuna University, Guntur. He served as Assistant Professor in
the Department of Mathematics at Vignan Institutions (1996-2008). Currenttly he is working as an Associate Professor at Vignan Pharmacy College, Vadlamudi.
  He is also taking classes for intermediate students at Vignan institutions imparting EAMCET and JEE, Unleashing the best in the students striving hard to get good results. He received the best teacher award thrice for his contributions at Vignan Group of Institutions. He also co-authoerd text book of “PHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS, 2nd Edition” by PharmaMed Press.

Detalles del Libro

ene. 2021

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