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Comprehensive Remedial Mathematics for B. Pharmacy

$2.677,15 MXN
$140,00 USD

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This book covers both Remedial Mathematics and Advanced Reemedial Mathematics subjects of B. Pharma course of Indian Universities. The authors have evolved this from their lecture notes and related material developed while teaching various courses in Remedial Mathematics during the last sixteen years.
Salient Features

  Special stress is given on basic fundamentals, solved examples and oriented problems of various universities.
Structure of all chapters are so arranged to facilitate the students to build confidence and sharpen their skills and gain hadsome marks in the examinations.

Equations Reducible to Quadratics Equations 2. Simultaneous Equations 3. Determinants 4. Matrices 5. Analytical Plane Geometry 6. Calculus 7. Differentiation 8. Integral Calculus 9. Differential Equations of the First Order and First Degree 10. Linear Differential Equations of Higher Order with Constant Coefficients 11. Trigonometry 12. Logarithm 13. Data Organization 14. Measures of Dispersion
About the Authors:
Dr. Shyam Patkar
, Ph.D is prof. & Head, first year Incharge, Truba Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Bhopal.He has Eighteen years experience in teaching field and has contributed articles to many national and International Journals and presented research papers in the conferences held in India and abroad.
Dr. Ramakant Bhardwaj has Ten years experience in the teaching field and ahs contributed more than fifteen research papers in National and International Journals and presented papers in the conferences held in India and abroad.
Sarvesh Agarwal has 7 years experience in the teaching field. He is pursuing Ph.D and has contributed more than fifteen research papers in National and International Journals. Roman";color:black; mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'>Structure of all chapters are so arranged to facilitate the students to build confidence and sharpen their skills and gain hadsome marks in the examinations.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
ene. 2021

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