Venipuncture for the Application of Blood Concentrates

Venipuncture for the Application of Blood Concentrates

$379,00 MXN
$19,99 USD

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The benefits of PRF and other blood concentrates are well known in the dental profession, but venipuncture is not a skill dentists naturally possess. In this, as in every form of treatment, providing high-quality care is essential. Patient safety must be ensured, and the procedures used should be maximally efficient and effective. Shahram Ghanaati developed this tidy little textbook to empower dental professionals to perform blood collection and the preparation of blood concentrates safely, efficiently, and with the best possible results in the dental office. The book walks readers through the process step by step, with detailed illustrations demonstrating clinician positioning to instill confidence. The content is practical and easy to follow, making this a perfect tool for clinicians interested in incorporating blood concentrates into their practice.

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jul. 2024

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