Thirst of the Damned

Thirst of the Damned

$95,00 MXN
$4,99 USD

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Thirst of the Damned by Arthur Leo Zagat is a chilling and relentless journey into the heart of darkness. In a remote, desolate region, an ancient curse awakens, bringing with it a thirst that drives the damned to hunt the living. As the villagers are stalked by nightmarish creatures with an insatiable craving for blood, a small band of survivors must confront their deepest fears and unravel the mystery behind the curse. With every shadow concealing a new terror, will they uncover the truth and escape the wrath of the damned, or will they become victims of an unquenchable thirst? Immerse yourself in this spine-tingling tale of horror and survival.

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ago. 2024

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