Spoor of the Bat

Spoor of the Bat

$95,00 MXN
$4,99 USD

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Spoor of the Bat by Arthur Leo Zagat is a thrilling blend of mystery and horror that plunges readers into a shadowy world where fear reigns supreme. In a city gripped by terror, a series of gruesome murders points to a creature of the night—a bat-like figure that leaves no trace except for the chilling spoor of its deadly hunts. As the body count rises, a determined investigator must delve into the darkest corners of the city and his own fears to unmask this terrifying predator. But as he draws closer to the truth, he discovers that the line between hunter and prey is perilously thin. Can he catch the bat before it claims its next victim, or will he become the hunted? This spine-tingling tale will keep readers turning pages late into the night.

Detalles del Libro

ago. 2024

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