Soft Blows the Breeze from Hell!

Soft Blows the Breeze from Hell!

$95,00 MXN
$4,99 USD

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Soft Blows the Breeze from Hell! by Arthur Leo Zagat is a spine-tingling journey into the realms of supernatural terror. Set against a backdrop of a seemingly tranquil seaside town, the story unravels as an inexplicable and malevolent force begins to disturb the calm. The gentle breeze off the ocean carries more than just salt; it brings whispers of an ancient evil that preys on the unsuspecting. As strange occurrences escalate and darkness envelops the town, an intrepid few must confront the sinister entity before it consumes them all. Will they uncover the truth behind the chilling breeze, or will they succumb to the malevolent forces at play? Brace yourself for a chilling tale that will leave you breathless.

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ago. 2024

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