Myocardial torsion
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Myocardial Torsion is a book different from others, simply because this book is unique, unusual, and I dare say with admiration, it is a curious book, partly magical, full of personality, for initiatory readers, revealing, provocative, challenging. The book has the infrequent peculiarity of being based, to a great extent, on original personal and multidisciplinary investigations, granting it an important extra value.
The authors define their purpose since the firsts pages of the book: to provide solidity, validity and even more to Torrent Guasp's concepts. This is certainly a different book in its structure, content and elaboration. It is a text that the reader may admire or criticize, that may create skepticism or surprise at the new data it propose, but wich undoudtedly will leavenobody indifferent, and that is something few books can achieve.

Detalles del Libro

abr. 2020

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