Little Masterpieces of Science: Invention and Discovery

Little Masterpieces of Science: Invention and Discovery

$79,00 MXN
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In Little Masterpieces of Science: Invention and Discovery, Various authors delve into a collection of essays that explore groundbreaking scientific inventions and discoveries throughout history. Written in a clear and engaging literary style, the book provides readers with a glimpse into the scientific developments that have shaped our modern world. Each essay is meticulously researched and offers valuable insights into the creative processes behind these innovations. It serves as a valuable resource for those interested in the intersection of science and human ingenuity. Various, the collective pseudonym of the authors behind this compilation, draws upon their diverse backgrounds in science, history, and literature to craft an insightful and informative book. Their collaborative effort reflects a shared passion for scientific knowledge and a dedication to promoting a greater understanding of the impact of inventions and discoveries on society. I highly recommend Little Masterpieces of Science: Invention and Discovery to anyone interested in exploring the fascinating history of scientific advancements. This book will inspire readers to appreciate the ingenuity and perseverance of visionary thinkers who have revolutionized the way we perceive the world.

Detalles del Libro

dic. 2019

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