Like Me (Read Aloud)

Like Me (Read Aloud)

$229,00 MXN
$11,99 USD

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This children's picture book follows a sibling of a child with a disability as they go through their day. A simple story with an important message, Like Me helps kids recognize the many similarities they share with disabled kids and model a loving and understanding approach to the differences. "God made you, God loves you, God is kind to you." It can be hard for children to take those three life-changing truths into their hearts and treat others with love and understanding, especially when they encounter those whose needs differ drastically from theirs. Through a sibling's eyes, young readers will tag along on a day of a child with a disability. As the two siblings play with friends, go to therapy, and spend time with family, relatable comparisons will help children understand a different type of family life, building empathy for children with disabilities along the way. Like Me opens the door to meaningful talks with your child about empathy, compassion, diversity, and God's love for them and others.

Detalles del Libro

jun. 2023

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