I am my god

I am my god

$169,00 MXN
$8,99 USD

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I am my god is a captivating, inspiring, and thrilling autobiography.
It addresses how to understand and heal from cancer, that true inner battle, that journey to the center of one's own hell, to face one's own demons.
A story of overcoming, of a life ,of sport, a test of courage, a handbook regarding the philosophy of life.
After deciding to get to the very edge of death, to expose his life so that everything that had to die in him may die, until hearing his diagnosis and 24 hours later, knowing that he was cured and feeling like the happiest man in the world, the protagonist narrates in the first person this story that will leave the reader with the certainty that everything is possible.

Detalles del Libro

mar. 2024

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