Gender Dysphoria

Gender Dysphoria

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The term "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria" was proposed by Dr. Lisa Littman in 2018. Her research revealed two important facts: on the one hand, several young women from Rhode Island had declared that they were trans after spending weeks researching on the Internet. On the other hand, the prevalence of trans among groups of friends increased 70 times in relation to the expected rates. The information gathered allowed her to speak of "peer contagion". Dr. Littman claimed that gender dysphoria was what anorexia had been in earlier years: not so much a medical condition, but a cultural response to the difficulties of puberty. Of course, Littman was completely discredited, but the debate continues as several cases have required a difficult and distressing de-transition. On the following pages, the opinions for and against what is happening with the new sexualities, the inclusion of those contents in the educational system and other aspects related to gender diversity.

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dic. 2022

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