Flight of the Silver Eagle

Flight of the Silver Eagle

$95,00 MXN
$4,99 USD

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Flight of the Silver Eagle by Arthur Leo Zagat soars into a world of high-flying adventure and intrigue. When the sleek and cutting-edge Silver Eagle, an experimental aircraft, goes missing during a crucial test flight, a daring pilot and a brilliant engineer must unravel a tangled web of sabotage, espionage, and corporate greed. As they race against time to recover the stolen aircraft and uncover the truth, they face perilous challenges both in the sky and on the ground. Will they manage to thwart a sinister plot and bring the Silver Eagle back safely, or will their quest end in disaster? Buckle up for an exhilarating ride filled with twists, turns, and airborne excitement.

Detalles del Libro

ago. 2024

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