Publicación digital

Energy Environment Ecology & Society

$1.147,35 MXN
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Population, exuberant growth of urbanization, decline of cultivable lands, growing number of vehicle on the roads, deforestation, industrialization, changing pattern of consumption and exploitation of natural recourses by human activities have all threatened our basic survival on earth. In order to protect our globe from the environmental degradation, it is necessary to know the various factors by all human being. This book is written to provide a clear and authoritative introduction to the subject of Energy, Environment, Ecology and Society.
  Salient Features
Presentation of the material in lucid manner
Distinctive coverage on all Energy Resources
Presentation of suitable illustrations with clear diagrams
Review questions are given in each chapter
Energy 2. Ecosystem 3. Air Pollution 4. Sound Pollution 5. Water Pollution 6. Soil Pollution 7. Society and Ecology 8. Ethics
About the Author
Anil Kumar, Ph.D, is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Energy at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal. He was awarded Senior Research Fellowship from Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
 He has been actively involved in teaching and research in the area of Energy and Environment and continuing his lectures in Energy, Environment, Ecology and Society for
 5 years. His major research areas are in the field of Renewable Energy, Solar Thermal Energy and Heat
  He has published many research papers in International / National journals and conferences. He has been a resources person in several International / National conferences.K. Sudhakar obtained M Tech (Energy Management), is working as Asst. Professor at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal. 
 He was awarded Senior Research Fellowship from DST. Govt. of India for Doctoral Research. He has been actively involved in teaching and research in the area of Energy and Environment. His major research areas include Carbon Sequestration, Biofuel, Alternate Energy sources, Hybrid Energy systems, Energy Aduiting. He has published many research papers both in referred National and International journals and conferences proceedings. He is a certified Energy Manager and Auditor by BEE. He has been keynote speaker and resource person at several International and National conferences and programmes. He has delivered several invited lectures in reputed institutes.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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