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The role of CTO is evolving fast, thinking strategically about technology and business opportunities. As we navigate this new world, we face the challenge of harnessing the immense potential of new online technologies for our business. You will need to wear multiple hats, including innovator, business leader, and most of all change agent.

In these exhilarating yet turbulent times, being a tech leader means having the vision to steer your ship through stormy seas of disruption and guide it towards the tranquil waters of progress. It requires the foresight to anticipate what lies ahead and the adaptability to embrace change. It calls for the audacity to take risks and the humility to learn from mistakes.

CTO.online is your comprehensive guide covering all the expertise necessary for modern-day online tech leadership. It provides actionable guidance, advice, practical tips, and perspectives from firsthand experience and industry leaders. The book includes contributions from renowned tech leaders and thinkers, offering diverse perspectives on technology leadership.

Detalles del Libro

dic. 2023

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