And there is always an after - Part 1

And there is always an after - Part 1

$379,00 MXN
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"I'll think of something. So far, I've always come up with something, no matter what it was about," I thought. "And there's always an after!"
Sabine, who grows up in the GDR, doesn't really have a "good start" in life. After a failed suicide attempt by her mother, she is first placed in a children's home. Some time later, she is separated from her beloved brother forever and her biological father wants nothing to do with her. But Sabine does not give up. Whatever happens to her, she tackles life with courage and makes the best of it, following the motto: "When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade out of it!"
An utterly heart-wrenching novel that you won't want to put down until you've read the very last line.

Detalles del Libro

ago. 2024

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