21 beliefs that make us miserable

21 beliefs that make us miserable

$179,00 MXN
$9,99 USD

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Many social beliefs make us suffer because they are false. So we need wise information to help us leave them behind to achieve happiness. Here you will find the necessary information.

This book is written clearly and directly, it goes to the point. It contains so much useful information explained in a simple way that you will want to reread it many times and, with each new reading, you will get an ever deeper understanding. It will be your bedside book soon.

Check the information this book contains and you will see that your life will be filled with peace and harmony.

In addition, this book also includes practical exercises to integrate its content into everyday life. We do not seek to fill your head with theory, but to transform your life in a practical and real way. Hopefully this book also marks a before and after in your life.

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jul. 2020

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