Filtrando por: BS Publications 126

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Nombre Fecha
Applied Engineering Mathematics

Applied Engineering Mathematics

dic. 2020
$ 5,027.08 MXN
Digital Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing

dic. 2020
$ 1,645.23 MXN
Capacity Building for Climate Smart Agriculture

Capacity Building for Climate Smart Agriculture

dic. 2020
$ 1,828.03 MXN
Principles and Practices of Agricultural Disaster Management

Principles and Practices of Agricultural Disaster Management

dic. 2020
$ 1,553.83 MXN
Engineering Mathematics - I

Engineering Mathematics - I

dic. 2020
$ 2,010.83 MXN
Web Technologies and Applications

Web Technologies and Applications

dic. 2020
$ 2,742.04 MXN
Trends in Modern Banking

Trends in Modern Banking

dic. 2020
$ 1,553.83 MXN
Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Reconstruction of Sustainable Society

Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Reconstruction of Sustainable Society

dic. 2020
$ 1,462.42 MXN
Advances in Agricultural Extension Towards Changing the Lives and Livelihoods

Advances in Agricultural Extension Towards Changing the Lives and Livelihoods

dic. 2020
$ 2,010.83 MXN
Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

dic. 2020
$ 1,462.42 MXN
Introduction to Nano Science and Technologies

Introduction to Nano Science and Technologies

dic. 2020
$ 3,016.25 MXN
Basic Concepts of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Basic Concepts of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

dic. 2020
$ 2,742.04 MXN
Bio-Cultural Diversity Emerging Issues, Challenges and Prospects

Bio-Cultural Diversity Emerging Issues, Challenges and Prospects

dic. 2020
$ 2,010.83 MXN
Disaster Management in India Evolution of Institutional Arrangements and operational Strategies

Disaster Management in India Evolution of Institutional Arrangements and operational Strategies

dic. 2020
$ 1,279.62 MXN
Irrigation and Irrigation Projects in India

Irrigation and Irrigation Projects in India

dic. 2020
$ 1,279.62 MXN
Geoinformatics for Environmental Management

Geoinformatics for Environmental Management

dic. 2020
$ 3,656.06 MXN
Monsoon Prediction

Monsoon Prediction

dic. 2020
$ 1,371.02 MXN
Energy Environment Ecology & Society

Energy Environment Ecology & Society

dic. 2020
$ 1,096.82 MXN
Natural Resources development Methodologies

Natural Resources development Methodologies

dic. 2020
$ 1,462.42 MXN
An Introduction to Air Pollution

An Introduction to Air Pollution

dic. 2020
$ 1,645.23 MXN
Textbook of Environmental Science and Technology

Textbook of Environmental Science and Technology

dic. 2020
$ 1,645.23 MXN
Pollution and Global Warming

Pollution and Global Warming

dic. 2020
$ 1,462.42 MXN
Musings of Barefoot Bankers Lessons from Ground Zero: Moorings for Financial Inclusion

Musings of Barefoot Bankers Lessons from Ground Zero: Moorings for Financial Inclusion

dic. 2020
$ 2,559.24 MXN
India’s Growth Resurgence Sectoral Issues and Governance Risks

India’s Growth Resurgence Sectoral Issues and Governance Risks

dic. 2020
$ 1,462.42 MXN

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