Fisica de las particulas modernas-Puxseddu

Fisica de las particulas modernas-Puxseddu

dic. 2020
$ 126.64 MXN
Fisica 2. Electromagnetismo, Optica y Sonido-Chiappero

Fisica 2. Electromagnetismo, Optica y Sonido-Chiappero

dic. 2020
$ 253.28 MXN
Física 3. Física Moderna-Morelli

Física 3. Física Moderna-Morelli

dic. 2020
$ 361.82 MXN
Fisica 2 Electromagnetismo-Morelli

Fisica 2 Electromagnetismo-Morelli

dic. 2020
$ 361.82 MXN
Proceso Para El Uso Termico De La Energia Solar-Arenas

Proceso Para El Uso Termico De La Energia Solar-Arenas

dic. 2020
$ 162.82 MXN
Safety and Health in Industry A Handbook, 2nd Ed.

Safety and Health in Industry A Handbook, 2nd Ed.

dic. 2020
$ 1,990.03 MXN
Digital Electronics : Logic and Design

Digital Electronics : Logic and Design

dic. 2020
$ 1,266.38 MXN
Singer’s Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics (SI Units)

Singer’s Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics (SI Units)

dic. 2020
$ 1,628.21 MXN
Terminology on Plant Physiology

Terminology on Plant Physiology

dic. 2020
$ 1,809.12 MXN
Art of Writing and Publishing in Agricultural journals

Art of Writing and Publishing in Agricultural journals

dic. 2020
$ 2,532.77 MXN
Biotechnological Interventions for Dryland Agriculture : Opportunities and Constraints

Biotechnological Interventions for Dryland Agriculture : Opportunities and Constraints

dic. 2020
$ 1,085.47 MXN
Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture

Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture

dic. 2020
$ 1,447.30 MXN
Greenhouse technology and Management

Greenhouse technology and Management

dic. 2020
$ 1,085.47 MXN
Recent Trends in Rapid Detection of Plant Pathogens

Recent Trends in Rapid Detection of Plant Pathogens

dic. 2020
$ 1,809.12 MXN
Biological Control of Plant Pathogens weeds and Phytoparasitic Nematodes

Biological Control of Plant Pathogens weeds and Phytoparasitic Nematodes

dic. 2020
$ 1,809.12 MXN
Principles and Practice of Agricultural Meteorology

Principles and Practice of Agricultural Meteorology

dic. 2020
$ 1,718.66 MXN
Applied Engineering Mathematics

Applied Engineering Mathematics

dic. 2020
$ 4,975.08 MXN
Digital Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing

dic. 2020
$ 1,628.21 MXN
Capacity Building for Climate Smart Agriculture

Capacity Building for Climate Smart Agriculture

dic. 2020
$ 1,809.12 MXN
Principles and Practices of Agricultural Disaster Management

Principles and Practices of Agricultural Disaster Management

dic. 2020
$ 1,537.75 MXN
Engineering Mathematics - I

Engineering Mathematics - I

dic. 2020
$ 1,990.03 MXN
Advances in Agricultural Extension Towards Changing the Lives and Livelihoods

Advances in Agricultural Extension Towards Changing the Lives and Livelihoods

dic. 2020
$ 1,990.03 MXN
Basic Concepts of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Basic Concepts of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

dic. 2020
$ 2,713.68 MXN
Geoinformatics for Environmental Management

Geoinformatics for Environmental Management

dic. 2020
$ 3,618.24 MXN

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